This type of machines is suitable for marking, riveting, caulking, numbering, dinking, shearing and all other applications where a regular and uniform impact is required on a wide variety of materials. Several models are available covering a wide range of impact forces. Impact adjustment is easy and it remains constant even if workpiece thickness changes. Impact energy is released only when the tool touches the workpiece. Height adjustment is obtained by moving the machine body on the column. Productivity of these machines depends only upon the feed system. An anti-vibration device is incorporated in all models to ensure a sharp defined marking. If a problem can’t be solved with our machines, we shall be glad to discuss it with our customers.
Pneumatic machines with adjustable force, without controls. The machine can also be controlled manually. Suitable for incorporation in automated lines. Even if the work piece is out of tolerance the marking is always accurate and precise. There is no risk of distortion of work piece
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